Grave Digger - Healed By Metal, 2017; Deutschland
1. Ceasuri rele (Dark Hours) 0:00
2. Țesarul de lumini (Weaver of Lights) 3:06
3. Primul OM (The First Human) 15:55
4. Cunoașterea tăcută (Silent Knowledge) 20:17
5. Înarborat (Rooted) 27:28
6. Dedesuptul (The Underneath) 33:51
7. Norilor (Of the Clouds) 40:31
8. De Piatră (Of Stone) 43:31
9. Cel din urmă vis (The Last Dream) 49:08
10.Hora soarelui (Sun's Circle Dance) 59:11
11.Al doilea OM (The Second Human) 1:05:08